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Why consider Dental implants

Crowns, bridges and dentures address the short-term cosmetic problem of
missing teeth but do nothing to stop bone loss. Crown & bridge dentistry
requires grinding down healthy teeth leaving them at much greater
risk for cavities and tooth failure. Bridges do not stop bone loss. Dentures
become uncomfortable and unstable over time as the jawbone shrinks
causing eating and speech problems.

With dental implants, healthy teeth are not compromised. Dental implants, like
natural teeth, stimulate the jaw and stop bone loss. Leading dental organizations
recognize dental implants as the standard of care for tooth replacement.

Amazing smile​


Anyone missing one or more teeth understands how tooth
loss can make you feel uncomfortable about smiling or
eating in public. You may avoid social situations and
as a result begin to feel isolated. This could
impact your daily life and your self-confidence.


smile big,
eat what you want,
be a confident you!


"saving those teeth will go a long,long,long way."



​Dental implants

Current dental implant treatments can change your life.
From a single missing tooth to an entire set of teeth,
dental implants restore your appearance, speech,
nutrition, oral health, comfort, and self-esteem. So
smile big, eat what you want, and be a confident you!


"we are happy to serve you"


​tooth loss causes bone loss

When a tooth is lost, the jawbone beneath it shrinks from
lack of stimulation. Not only does losing teeth affect your
smile, it also changes the shape of your face causing you to
look prematurely aged.


"your Dental needs is our concern"

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